På fredagar bjuder Fasching in två extremt välmeriterade DJs inom sina genres. Med fokus på musik, fest och the artistry of the DJ – det blir dubbeltrubbel när Eka och Wille går back to back!
DJ Will-Rock
Willrock som, inte minst, var en av dom grundande DJs i succéklubben Devotion lovar att ge publiken en själfull bred musikalisk upplevelse med ett stort inslag av fest & DANS!
Eka Scratch
Originating from Malmö, Sweden, Eka Scratch has been an influential DJ, party starter, radio host, live-DJ and club host in the Urban club and festival scene for ten years all over the country. She has played in big festivals and clubs all over Scandinavia, Europe and Africa.
She hosted her own radio show at the swedish national radio, Musikguiden P3, a show with over one million listeners. She is also a respected scratch DJ with several musical collaborations all around the world.