The Christmas Feeling is the Christmas version of Peter Asplund “BIG BAND SHOW” New, fresh arrangements of both American and Swedish Christmas classics are performed by Asplund with a full big band and guests Vivian Buczek, Linda Pettersson and Emmalisa Hallander. In short; Peter Asplund Big Band Show – The Christmas edition!
“Peter Asplund has an unmistakable ability to captivate an audience. Whether he’s creating the role of cool crooner or when he unsecures the trumpet and unleashes an armada of well-articulated phrases, only to transition into a wonderfully melodic and warm ballad performance the next moment. It’s obvious that he wants to entertain and entertain, but also deliver jazz music that is both soulful and intricate.”
– Leif Domnérus, Orkester Journalen
“On this Christmas album, he once again excels, both vocally and instrumentally”
“Generous warmth and tasteful selection of songs, with a bang meet all the criteria for a successful Christmas record.”
“And I don’t have to be nice to name The Christmas feeling as one of the best Christmas records I’ve heard”
– Leif Domnérus, The Orchestra Journal
ALTO SAX 1: Magnus Blom
ALTSAX 2: Johan Alénius
TENORSAX 1: Klas Toresson
TENORSAX 2: Pär Grebacken
BARYTON SAXES: Fredrik Lindborg
TRUMPET 1: Fredrik Oscarsson
TRUMPET 2: Jocke Wickström
TRUMPET 3: Patrik Skogh
TRUMPET 4: Axel Berntzon
TROMBONE 1: Magnus Svedberg
TROMBONE 2: Dicken Hedrenius
TROMBONE 3: Michael Rörby
TROMBONE 4: Kent Olandersson
PIANO: Filip Ekestubbe
BASS: Hans Andersson
DRUMS: Johan Löfcrantz Ramsay
ARTISTS: Vivian Buczek, Linda Pettersson, Emmalisa Hallander, Peter Asplund