Bild på Niño de Elche

Niño de Elche

Without a doubt, the Spanish musician and artist Niño de Elche, born in the city of Elche in 1985, can be described as an “anti” flamenco artist, questioning and tearing down the walls of the deeply passionate but also in many ways strictly defined flamenco.

Trained as a flamenco singer, “cantaor”, Niño de Elche has left the traditional flamenco sphere and entered an eccentric, contemporary style, collaborating with artists such as actor Angelica Liddell and flamenco dancer Israel Galván.

Niño is also deeply immersed in contemporary art where he collaborates with choreographer Rocío Molina, engages in mixed media installations and explores electronic soundscapes.

Niño de Elche is a multidisciplinary artist in the true sense of the word, combining guitar playing and flamenco singing with improvisation marked by a great curiosity in an ever-changing, almost rebellious approach to his artistic catalog.

This is what he himself says in El Periódico:

“… I betray my public constantly. I am immersed in a permanent process of metamorphosis, and as a consequence, my attitudes, my methods and my ideologies are continually reformulated.”

So, come to Kungsgatan 63 and be betrayed by this endlessly fascinating “anti” flamenco flamenco artist.

Niño de Elche – voice
Raúl Cantizano – guitar