Bild på For kids: Britta Persson

For kids: Britta Persson

Britta Persson is back with more music for children and adults! On the 6th of October, the album and the collection of poems will be released under the name Alla är barn. At Fasching, she performs the album in its entirety and we also get a chance to take part in the visual material from the book.

“Alla är barn” is a continuation of the collaboration with the artists Lisen and Emma Adbåge. In 2019, the trio released the book and album “Folk”, that time it was Adbåge who wrote the lyrics and Persson who composed the music. This time, it’s the other way around. The images capture the essence of poem after poem with a tonal certainty that reminds of how Persson tackled Adbåge’s lyrics on their previous joint album, which won a Grammy for Best Children’s Music.

In addition to the band – Sara Wilson, Johannes Borgström and Nino Keller – Britta Persson is guested by flute player Annarella Sörlin, who was last heard together with Swedish-Senegalese Wau Wau Collectif. The audience also has an important place in the band. The title track sets right away and the concert is over and the goal achieved when everyone over the age of two repeats “We all are children, we all are aaaaaaanimals!”

“The song ‘Alla är barn’ can be used to pull down the pants on the establishment. Or inspire someone to do it later in life. It’s a bit like the Emperor’s new clothes. Someone outs what everyone knows and power is redistributed,” says Britta Persson.

Britta Persson – vocals, guitar
Sara Wilson – guitar, vocals
Nino Keller – drums
Johannes Borgström – bass, vocals
Annarella Sörlin – transverse flute

Pictures by Lisen Adbåge and Emma AdBåge

All songs and talk is in Swedish.